Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Demolition Partners To General Contractors And Luxury Home Builders For 30 Years.

“We Demo, YOU Reno!”


If you think you’re too small to make a difference… try sleeping with a mosquito in the room. – Dalai Lama


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Robin Hood Builds™ Affiliate Program redirects building materials and fixtures from Canadian landfills to not-for-profit organizations, local upcycling artisans, and environmentally minded individuals. Global construction waste will nearly double by 2025, to 2.2 billion tonnes! 

We at DFYR take great pride in diverting construction and demolished building materials (C&D) from Canadian landfills, thus doing our part in reducing carbon emissions.

Being a part of the solution is a top priority at Demo For Your Reno. Watching the C&D materials upcycled, in the way of furniture, sculptures, or even repurposed back into building materials, is rewarding. Fixtures such as sinks, cabinets, doorknobs, bathtubs, doors, windows, and more find homes with not-for-profit organizations and individuals through our Robin Hood Builds™ Affiliate program.

At Demo For Your Reno, we work with a group of local businesses, artisans, and charities who are Robin Hood Builds™ affiliates. The Robin Hood Builds™ affiliates facilitate the movement of reusable building materials and fixtures from DFYR demolition sites efficiently and quickly. 

If you would like to join our Robin Hood Builds™ Affiliate Program, please contact Punam Pathak at or call 1-833-WOW-DEMO (1-833-969-3366).

One of the coolest things going on right now is taking care of our planet. Get on our contact list today to begin helping with the upcycle. 

Turning old things” into new things,” thats like MAGIC!


    Contact Us Today For A No-Obligation Demolition Project Consultation.

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