Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Demolition Partners To General Contractors And Luxury Home Builders For 30 Years.

“We Demo, YOU Reno!”

What To Look For in a Demolition Company
clean as you go demolition

Looking for a demolition company in Toronto for your next project? 

What is demolition? Demolition involves engineering and science, all aimed at efficiently and safely tearing down structures. 

There are countless reasons why someone would choose to demolish their buildings, whether residential or commercial. As buildings age, the upkeep can become burdensome. Countless dollars may be spent trying to keep the building in good shape, and at some point, you will need to evaluate what will be more cost-effective in the long run.

Infestation is another big reason for calling a demolition expert in. Asbestos, mites, rats, mercury, or lead are all prime examples of why one may need to have partial or full demolition of their building. 

So now that we understand what demolition is, what factors can help you choose which demolition company to use?


Renovations and construction usually have a strict timeline of when everything must be done and usually, the cost is also based on the time the project will take. You do not want your project delayed by your demolition company not arriving or not completing the job as promised. 

Find a company, like Demo For Your Reno that commits to never missing a start date.


You don’t want someone to come in and smash the place to pieces and then leave you with a giant building landfill. A professional company will demolish methodically and keep the noise and dust to a minimum. This ensures that the renovations can begin without delay once they are done.


Women are just as capable of doing demolition work. Look for a company that commits to equality in the workplace and values all its employees. Ensure that you are dealing with a business that provides its employees with a living wage.


Global construction waste is a big issue as the numbers continue to climb year after year. When contracting the services of a demolition company, check whether they are striving to make a positive impact on this global issue. This could mean providing waste to not-for-profit organizations, local up-cycling artisans, and environmentally-minded individuals.

If you’re looking for a reliable, professional demolition company in Toronto that strives for equality and gives back to the community, Demo For Your Reno ticks all those boxes.  

Enquire here to find out how we can be of service to you on your next project.
